Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Shaun de Jager Author-Name: Michael Johnston Author-Name: Rudi Steinbach Title: A Revised Quarterly Projection Model for South Africa Abstract: This paper extends earlier work by De Jager (2007) to construct a semi-structural general equilibrium model for medium-term forecasting and causal policy analysis. It incorporates a traditional New Keynesian small open economy structure with a term structure of interest rates, an uncovered interest parity condition which is augmented by the terms of trade and current account, and a world block which describes the evolution of trade-weighted foreign composites. Creation-Date: 2015-08-12 File-URL: http://www.resbank.co.za/content/dam/sarb/publications/working-papers/2015/6839/WP1503.pdf File-Format: application/pdf File-Function: Revision Number: 6839 Handle: RePEc:rbz:wpaper:6839